Diagnosing a clogged injector is not always easy because it acts the same as a broken spark plug wire or a bad spark plug. One or more cylinders are not firing. Old fuel, carbon and residue inside the fuel cause fuel injectors and or their filter baskets to become clogged.
- How do you know there is something wrong with a Fuel Injector?
- The engine runs rough, with abrupt power peaks.
- There are wet patches around the injectors on the outside of the engine.
- The 'Check Engine' light on the car's dashboard is on.
- The car doesn't perform as well as usual under acceleration.
- There is a strong smell of fuel in the engine bay.
- The car's fuel consumption is higher than usual.
Sometimes, the worst part of getting your car fixed is having to bring it to the garage. We are therefore happy to offer our customers a free collection and delivery service If you prearrange a collection, we will pick your car up from your home or place of work and drive it to our premises, carry out all the necessary work (having consulted you) and deliver it back to you at the end of the day.
We are able to tow, jump start or repair your vehicle if you are experiencing problems or broken down for a small fee. If we can't sadly start your vehicle, we can contact a local recovery firm to collect your vehicle for a very competitive price.
- Don't want to waste your day off?
- You don't have the time to take your car in for a service or repairs?
- Have you got problems with getting to and from the garage?
Here at Car Services in Reading, we believe that we offer a valuable product
with our Free Collection and Delivery Service, we can collect either from your place of work or from
your home address. If you are unsure about whether the address you are considering having your vehicle
collected from is not within our range, then please do contact us.
Car Services in Reading operate a fleet of pool cars with a dedicated driver, so wherever we are collecting from, we need to be able to leave one of our pool vehicles either in your work car park / parking space, or if in a residential area, we would need to be able to leave our car either at your house or on the road with a permit if required. We would be grateful if you could bear this in mind when booking to use our free Collection and delivery service