Too much oil in your car engine? Symptoms & Now what to do
Have you ever heard the saying, "too much of anything is bad?" Anything in excess is harmful to humans, and your car engine is no exception.
A car engine cannot function without engine oil but using too much oil can be hazardous.
Engine oil is an important lubricant that cushions engine parts, keeps them neat and clean, reduces friction between moving parts, and prevents overheating. As a result, it is critical to perform a scheduled oil change as part of a car service in Reading.
Excess oil in a car can cause engine oil overfill problems like clogged catalytic converters, faulty spark plugs, and engine damage. This is why it is important to recognise overfill engine oil symptoms and take corrective action before they worsen. This article will go into detail about the symptoms of excessive oil levels and how to fix them.
Overfilling of engine oil symptoms
Several symptoms will appear if you overfill your engine oil. A common overfill engine oil symptom is white smoke with a grey or blue tint. As a result of too much oil slipping into the combustion chamber, excessive white smoke may be seen coming from your exhaust tailpipe.
However, you may notice the following symptoms:
The odour of burning engine oil
When engine oil is overfilled, it seeks a way to escape. As a result, the oil may creep onto hot engine components and burn them. The odour of burning engine oil can be disagreeable. Assume you smell a stench and discover a leak in the engine compartment.
Oil puddle beneath your vehicle
Excessive oil pressure can cause seals to fail and leaks. You may notice a puddle of engine oil under your car after an oil change. The oil leak could be coming from the dipstick compartment.
High oil pressure
High oil pressure suggests that the engine oil is not flowing properly and is not lubricating engine parts properly. An engine that is not properly lubricated can cause frictional engine wear, internal engine component damage, and, in the worst-case scenario, engine knocking.
Engine misfire, rough idling, and stalling
If the engine oil is overfilled by 1 litre or more, the connecting rod and crankshaft will whip oil into it, frothing the engine oil. This causes clogged plugs, rough idling, and engine misfire.
Oil gauge that wiggles back and forth between empty and full
If your dashboard oil gauge wiggles back and forth between empty and full, you may have overfilled your engine oil. When the oil level rises above a certain level, the gauge becomes confused.
Engine Overheating
If there is too much oil in the engine, it will foam up and lose its lubricating power. Friction and overheating are caused by insufficient lubrication inside the engine compartment.
Loud Driving
One of the last symptoms to appear if you overfill your vehicle and drive it for an extended period of time. The sound of metal rubbing against metal can be jarring. An overfilled engine will make a screech, grind, or groan sound after prolonged use.
Poor acceleration
Excessive engine oil can creep through the piston rings and soak the spark plugs, resulting in greasy plugs and poor acceleration.
Car won't start
Whether you use synthetic or regular oil, if the spark plug is coated with too much oil and is unable to provide the spark required for the combustion process, the car will not start.
How do you get rid of Overfill engine oil symptoms?
Overfilled engine oil can be easily remedied if you know what to do. If you are not do-it-yourself, you should take your vehicle to a mechanic. Remember that just as overfilling
engine oil by 1 quart is risky, so is not having enough engine oil. As a result, if you decide to reduce the oil yourself, you must keep a close eye on how much oil remains in the vehicle. Two methods for reducing overfilled engine oil are as follows:
1. Using an oil extractor to remove excess oil
The most simple and straightforward method of reducing overfilled engine oil is to use an oil extractor pump. You'll also need a container to pour the excess oil into, a clean rag, and a pair of gloves in addition to the oil extractor pump.
By opening the bonnet, you can allow the engine to cool. Remove the dipstick and place it on a clean rag to avoid contaminating it with dirt and debris. Install the pump in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Connect it to a power source and insert the extraction tube into the oil dipstick hole to position the oil pan. Start the oil extractor pump and monitor the oil pan to see how much oil has been extracted. The dipstick should be used on a regular basis to check the oil level.
Turn off the oil extractor and insert the dipstick when the oil level reaches the normal gauge. Your vehicle should now be running smoothly, though this depends on the effect it has already had on the moving parts.
2. Manually drain the engine oil
Not every car owner or mechanic possesses an oil extractor pump, this method is a good all-around option. It is slightly more difficult, however, because you must slide under the vehicle to drain the engine oil. But first, you'll need a jack, jack stands, an oil sump socket, a ratchet handle, oil pain, gloves, and a wrench.
Use the vehicle as support by lifting it. To ensure safety, slide Jack stands under the vehicle and place the oil pan directly beneath the oil sump. Now, take your socket and loosen the oil sump; you can remove the sump halfway or completely, but you must be quick enough to plug it back up once you've removed the desired amount.
Before torquing the sump, remove the dipstick and check the oil level with a standard gauge. If the oil continues to rise above the full mark, repeat the procedure until it returns to normal. Furthermore, if the engine oil level falls below the normal level, you must top it off.
In any case, keep in mind that if the engine parts have already been damaged, draining overfilled engine oil using any of these methods will not produce results. So, how long can I run my engine on too much oil? You should not drive your vehicle if the engine oil is overfilled. Reduce the oil as soon as you notice it is too high to avoid engine damage.
Overfilled engine oil is a serious problem that can cause irreversible engine damage. You must keep the engine oil level close to full. Overfilling engine oil by 200ml, on the other hand, is not harmful. In any case, don't exceed the limit. Checking your engine oil on a regular basis, especially after an oil change at the mechanical garage, should become a habit.
Never drive your car if you notice symptoms of overfilling engine oil. Pull over to the side of the road if you notice these symptoms and check the dipstick. Some of these symptoms may be mistaken for those of other engine issues. As a result, it is always a good idea to have a routine inspection and maintenance performed and it is recommended to take your vehicle to one of the best car repair garages.